February 7, 2012

Grandma's Boy

Grandma's Boy is a commercial for the following companies:

Boost Mobile
Vitamin Water
Dell Computers
Konami Digital Entertainment – America
Microsoft Game Studios X Box

And those are just the ones I noticed in one viewing—the list at the end of the credits was much longer. The amount of product placement in this movie is disrespectful to the viewer. The filmmakers clearly didn't care what cluttered the screen as long as they got a check for rubbing it in the audiences faces.

I expected this movie to be funny in a guilty pleasure sort of way. Something that I wouldn't normally watch, but would be good for a few cheap laughs. I was wrong. I laughed twice. If I can sit through a comedy and distinctly remember how many times I laughed then something is broken. I've had people tell me it's great and I've heard people say they love it, but I did not. I tried, but I couldn't. If you're hosting a party and want a movie to put on that no one's really going to watch then put on Anchorman or Airplane or the news—anything but Grandma's Boy.

Grandma's Boy is poorly written, poorly acted, and poorly directed.

One out of Ten. 

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